Wow! the year draws to a close with December rushing by. I can’t believe it has passed so quickly and we have reaped the rewards of another growing and harvesting year. The first frosts in the UK have started although a bit late, I have never seen dahlias in flower in December ! There are a few jobs to do in the garden on a warm day, but most importantly, it is time to get excited by planning for next year and rest for the coming season.
December Jobs
* Top tip: It’s time to bring hyacinths into your home to flower and enjoy the aroma for Christmas, place in a cool bright place. .
* Top tip –If the temperatures drop remember to protect terracotta pots from cracking and bring them in or place in a sheltered place.
* Top tip – Let’s help our feathered friends and hang some bird feeders to help hungry birds in the colder months to come.
December Garden Project – How to make a Bird seed Treat
- There are some great recipes for making treats for garden birds, and this is a perfect treat for birds and making lovely memories with children. The treats range from peanut and cookie cutters to yoghurt pots and lard. According to, the best ingredients include:
In a bowl, combine all the dry ingredients. Melt some lard or suet in a saucepan, then add the dry mixture and stir until everything is well combined. Create a hole in the bottom of a yoghurt pot, insert a length of twine through it, and fill it up with the heated fat mixture to form fat balls. Refrigerate yoghurt pots overnight. Next, cut through the pot and remove it. To secure the ball, tie a large knot at one end of the twine.
* Top tip – Don’t forget to check stored or planted bulbs and corms for signs of rot or being eaten by birds or squirrels id kept outside.